RyanBlog:entry:Mar 02, 2012

Technically, I *am* root for the home team. Weird, huh?
(I need a new pun here, huh...)

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March 02, 2012

forced march thru Madrid

Happy Forced March everyone... we're supposed to be blogging every day in March, but I'm in Madrid, working my butt off, and didn't get a chance to post yesterday.

That's 'cause, after working a 12 hour day, with what appears to be a torn biceps-tendon, we went out with our hosts from Telefonica, and had amazing Spanish food... including cured ham, various deserts (including something called "fried milk" that's like creme brulee without the cup), and this, which is strips of steak cooked on your own ceramic so-hot-if-you-touch-it-you'll-die plate. Seriously: raw steak that's cooked a few minutes after you put it on your plate.

Keep your elbows WAY off the table.

(movie of sizzling steak here, as soon as it uploads... seriously, on crappy European Hotel Wi-Fi, it'll be uploaded by morning ... it'll be on flickr)

I wondered why they don't do this in the US (I've never seen it), but then we realized it's almost certainly something that insurance companies in the US would laugh you out of the room for, if you tried to get it covered.

Coming later this month, more travel tales, xrays and MRI's of my wrecked shoulder, vicodin-crazed poetry, photos from SXSW, and baseball begins!!!

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