RyanBlog:entry:Feb 15, 2005

Technically, I *am* root for the home team. Weird, huh?
(I need a new pun here, huh...)

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February 15, 2005

maw-i-age season

I don't fool myself into thinking I invented the idea, for certianly two of my pals joined the club first, and hey, maybe they and their brides hyp-mo-tised me into it -- but the evidence is clear; people DO get married in big social groups.

Between now and my own wedding in mid-September, I am attending or taking an active role in the weddings of (so far) FOUR good friends... Sid and Kim, Jay and Kellie, Rob and Kim, Andrea and Marc -- damn... I feel like I'm obligated to recruit into the cult...

watch out you guys.... (actually, don't sweat it until we alll start haaving kids... then I'll be recruiting for Little League team members at 6 months...)

(note to self: september wedding means the song 'September' by the commodores is perfectly acceptible at the ceremony...)

(other note to self: stop blogging drunk on the train, regardless of how stale the blog is)

| Posted by ryan at 11:50 PM