July 23, 2003
More junk for the blog-bar...

Dig the new addition to the right side of my main blog page... I wrote a scraper for friendster that'll log me in, and update an image with my current "you are connected to" number.

it's currently .

the guts look kinda like this:


echo "---- friendster thing ----"
echo "enter your username: (email address)"
read USER

echo "enter your password: "
read PASS

#### the above junk can be deleted and hardcoded here like this:
#### (uncomment these lines for that functionality
## USER=me@mydomain.com
## PASS=gimmethegoods

/usr/bin/curl -si -D /tmp/cookiejar1 -d email=$USER -d password=$PASS http://www.friendster.com/login > /dev/null
sleep 2
/usr/bin/curl -si -b /tmp/cookiejar1 http://www.friendster.com/home.jsp \
| grep connected \
| grep people \
| perl -pe 's/.* to .b.(.*)..b. people in/\1/'

Posted by ryan at July 23, 2003 04:24 PM

I wrote a rant about Friendster on the octoblog. Hooray channelling work anger into rants!

Posted by: Maggie on July 24, 2003 02:01 AM

this frienster thing is very nice because it can help people to interact with other people.this is very nice and I involved my self into this thing to have a lot of new friends.

Posted by: ehm on December 5, 2003 11:57 PM

I am new to the internet and I am surfing here and this is very interesting reading. I did a search in the search engines on "pub bar entertainment blog" and I found your web blog.
I am from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and I enjoy going to my local Halifax pub and meeting new and old friends.
I was researching blogs as I was interested in a blog for myself, that is if I can understand how to operate a blog. The different things discussed on this website found by searching for "pub bar entertainment blog" is very amusing and from seeing more of how a blog operates, it may be more than this Halifax pub guy to handle.

thanks for the insight

B. J. Johns,
A Halifax Pub Enthusiast

Posted by: Halifax Bar on February 8, 2004 02:54 PM
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