August 07, 2003
Las York, New Vegas

fotolog duplicate entry:

This is just weird, to see a hotel/casino whose theme is the city I live in and from which I`d just arrived. Do people from Paris feel the same way about "Paris"? "Monte Carlo"? Do any Venitians ever stay at the Venitian?

I know I`m not the only one who`s wondered "what if they`d built replica World Trade Centers?" I know this, `cause I overheard the question posed at least three times on this trip.

Would they have torn them down? Leaving them up would be a somber reminder of the tragedy, a somberness very incongruant with Las Vegas Boulevard. Tearing them down would be an even more jarring reminder, practically a re-enactment of the attack.

You couldn`t redecorate `em, either. Nothing on a replicated New York skyline looks like that. That may be why they weren`t replicated in the first place, though... they weren`t very distinctive except for their tallness. They were just big rectangles, in contrast to the Empire State and the Chrysler Building. Vegas (and Disney, too) architects use "forced perspective" to make things look bigger than they really are, `cause they can control the angle at which you see them... putting the building right close to the sidewalk makes you look straight up. The features of the building are even squashed in one dimension to maximize the effect. That effect wouldn`t work on a featureless building which`s distinctive feature is its bigness itself.

Still, though, nothing in Las Vegas is permenant, and there will come a day when they knock down New York, New York. That will be weird.

...Or maybe they`ll just let the whole thing deteriorate to crap, hire Kurt Russell as a spokesman, and convert it to an "Escape from New York" themed xtreme sports club.

"You`re Plissken? I heard you were dead. Do you take American Express?"

Posted by ryan at August 07, 2003 10:46 PM

we wondered the same exact thing when we were out there. I think they would have torn them down. Only because, while we were there, we found out that the Paris hotel took down all the french flags during all the anti- french stuff that had been going on (freedom dogs and all). With that kind thinking one can only assume they would have ripped them out of the ground. Or maybe paint them sky color.

Posted by: mike on August 8, 2003 02:17 AM
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